
Hair loss after pregnancy: understanding and combating postpartum hair loss

“ After I gave birth, my hair was falling out in handfuls. I found them everywhere!, ” Virginie, a mother of two, tells us.

Many young mothers are indeed affected by hair loss. It occurs a few months after delivery.

It is possible to treat this hair loss by providing the scalp and hair bulb with a combination of active ingredients to stimulate hair growth and strengthen the hair fibre.


What does hair loss look like after childbirth?

The announcement of pregnancy and the expectation of a new child is a special time in a woman's life. But pregnancy brings about many physiological changes.

Once the indescribable emotion of the birth has passed, a few months after giving birth, half of women are horrified to notice excessive hair loss.

Though healthy, thick and shiny during pregnancy, their hair has lost its strength after giving birth and sometimes falls out in a frightening way. They find it everywhere and clearly have the impression that it comes out " in handfuls ".

Each day, we all lose between 40 and 80 hairs. If hair loss exceeds 100 hairs per day, it is called excessive hair loss. And this is often the case after pregnancy.


Why do young mothers lose their hair after pregnancy?

This postnatal reactive hair loss is triggered by several changes in the body. These factors, often combined, have an impact at the cellular level and lead to premature hair loss after childbirth.

The hormonal changes during pregnancy

During pregnancy, oestrogen increases drastically. When production of this hormone goes into overdrive, it can have an effect on the whole body.

But after childbirth, beautiful hair loses its strength, and the hair sometimes falls out in a frightening way. They find it everywhere and clearly have the impression that it comes out " in handfuls ".

Indeed, during pregnancy, hair is shinier and thicker, because during these 9 months, the increase in hormones stimulates processes in the body. During this period, the life of the hair is extended. As a result, women are pleased to see that their hair is shinier, softer, and thicker.


But it is after the delivery that things get complicated and that some women are disappointed. Their oestrogen levels drop sharply. And this will trigger, about 3 months later, sudden and extensive hair loss.

Fortunately, postpartum hair loss is not irreversible. During this biological process, only the hair dies. The bulb is therefore always able to progressively produce new hair. Hair loss can slow down naturally anywhere from a few weeks to several months after the fact, during which time young mothers are very worried about the loss of their beautiful hair.

Without an anti-hair loss treatment, this phenomenon can sometimes persist for much longer. Reactionary hair loss can last for many months.


Stress and intense fatigue

The arrival of a new child, beyond all the unquantifiable happiness that it brings, inevitably leads to a radical change in new parents’ lifestyles. The stress of becoming a parent and fatigue due to lack of sleep are other factors that contribute to reactive hair loss. 

Possible deficiencies common during pregnancy

During pregnancy, women may have iron deficiencies and a lack of certain vitamins (especially vitamins B5 and B6). Then, the arrival of the baby also creates metabolic deficiencies. The capillary fibre then becomes thinner and the hair becomes duller.

Food supplements can be very useful in these cases.

To facilitate the regrowth of new hair, the new mother can also apply anti-hair loss treatments to massage her scalp. The circular movements stimulate microcirculation and promote the absorption of the active ingredients, which in turn increases the effectiveness of the treatment.


It is important to know that breastfeeding delays hair loss. In fact, a nursing woman will continue to produce the same hormones as a pregnant woman. During the breastfeeding period, the hair continues to benefit from a supply of hormones that are beneficial to its growth.


How can we act effectively against hair loss caused by pregnancy?

Three actions must be combined to effectively fight against hair loss due to pregnancy.

1. Slowing down hair loss.
2. Restarting growth.
3. Strengthening the hair.

For this reason, René Furterer has developed a range of products specially designed for reactive hair loss: Triphasic Reactional

They speak out about their hair loss after childbirth

Virginie: a mother who took charge of her hair

Virginie, mother of two children aged one and three, started losing her hair after breastfeeding. To regain her hair density, she tried Triphasic Reactional.

" It's quite sudden this hair loss. I had to take control of my hair. Within the first few days of application, you can see that the hair regains its shine.

Today, I feel much better, my hair is coming back to life and I am a happy mom. "

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Postpartum hair loss: Constance Chaperon shares her story

Constance is an actress, scriptwriter and is setting up her own theatre company, Les Conversations. She's also the mother of Paul, 5 years old, and Carmen, 1 year old. She confides that her work has evolved over the course of her pregnancies, just as her hair has.


Protecting myself from postpartum hair loss

Constance's eyes sparkle. She points out the final corrections to be made on her manuscript. A few lines, to be paced for more rhythm. This is the new episode of the comedy web series she is writing with a friend, which deals with various social issues in an absurd way. Since her two pregnancies, everything takes more effort. You have to get your confidence back, despite the fatigue. And you have to make room for yourself. But the creation and the energy are there. The recovery is beautiful, and Constance knows how to be twice as imaginative, in all aspects.


How would you describe your hair?

My hair is quite soft, fine. And long. But I often put it up in a bun. A loose bun. You have to impress. I love to impress, a little bit; making an impression is my job. So, messy locks to create volume. With my two pregnancies close together, my hair became flat and dry. I had no choice but to reinvent myself. I feel like I've come a long way. Four months after the birth of my second child, I had to start all over again: my hair had no strength, no texture, and I was losing it by the handful. Not to mention the ones that ended up in Carmen's tight little fists.


Was this hair loss linked to your postpartum?

Yes, clearly. This hair loss is linked to the drop in oestrogen in the postpartum stage; it's well known and it's the fate of all young mothers. But when you really experience it, it's quite depressing. The hair loses its beauty. It's in crisis. As if the baby's cries weren't enough, our hair also has to cry out for attention in its own way!
“Four months after the birth of my second child, I had to start all over again: I was losing hair by the handful.”

It took a while to combat the hair loss, I guess?

Yes, but not only that. First of all I had to eat well, sleep well. Eating chocolate — I mean iron, as much as possible (laughs). I resisted the urge to cut it all off, but I must admit that every other day I would create the illusion by putting on a red bandana with a little bow. You should always go for some colour! I had noted a few tips to limit postpartum hair loss and thicken my hair: I tried not to use heavy conditioners and not to blow dry my hair on such high heat. I still avoid combing it when it's wet.

Turns out my professional life is like my hair after all. I see the growth, I regain my confidence, I remain demanding about what is best for me. And I’ve also accepted that it takes time to get back to my full level of activity.


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