

René Furterer has always been the scalp expert.

As early as the 1950s, when everyone was focusing solely on the beauty of the hair, René Furterer understood that "beautiful hair grows on a healthy scalp, like a plant grows in fertile soil. "

Strongly convinced that the health and beauty of the hair depends on the condition of the scalp, he worked tirelessly to make his vision a reality. He was able to identify two main types of suffering scalps.

Weakened scalps

Weakened scalps

Hair is an inert material that draws its energy from the scalp. Therefore, only a healthy, well-nourished scalp can ensure its nourishing functions for the hair and protective functions for the skull.

Dull, limp, tired or weakened hair... To restore beautiful hair, it’s high time to think about stimulating the scalp!

Overactive scalps

Overactive scalps

The scalp is a living, sensitive organ that can react, or even over-react, to the various aggressions it is subjected to.

Sensitivity, irritation, itchiness, dandruff, excess sebum... all these symptoms are telltale signs of an overactive scalp.

To calm all these discomforts, the first thing you need to do is soothe the scalp!

The invaluable René Furterer method is based on natural active ingredients, such as essential oils, and on an in-depth study of the scalp.

Hair care and essential oils

Hair care and essential oils

Natural active ingredients, such as essential oils,are highly beneficial for the well-being of the hair and scalp.

René Furterer uses essential oils and natural plant extracts in all its hair care products. These active ingredients have been – and still are – carefully selected for their medicinal properties and specific aromas.

Observing the scalp

Observing the scalp

By putting the scalp under the microscope, a precise diagnosis of the hair and scalp is obtained, allowing for a personalized treatment to be created.

This in-depth examination is carried out using the Capilliscope, a diagnostic aid created and patented by René Furterer. It is available in the salon, at the René Furterer Institute and in some of the brand's points of sale.

René Furterer, a pioneer in scalp care

René Furterer was the first in 1957 to recognize the importance of the scalp in hair care rituals. He was soon acknowledged as a pioneer in this field.

Aware of the richness of its flora and fragrances, this young visionary hairdresser observed nature and developed a deep belief: the beauty of hair is inspired by that of plants.

He understood that hair flourishes from a well-cared-for scalp, just as plants grow best in fertile, well-managed soil.

He then developed a true philosophy of scalp health and hair beauty that he called etheirology. The name comes from the Greek: etheira, meaning hair, and etheiro, to care for.

The scalp requires the same appropriate care as the skin: exfoliation, cleansing and moisturizing. But it also needs specific care. With this in mind, René Furterer developed a scalp treatment and massage method that would revolutionize the world of hair care.

A timeless legacy

With this exceptional legacy, the René Furterer brand reaffirms its commitment to its founding values of expertise, naturalness, sensoriality and exclusivity every day.

As an expert in hair health for over 60 years, it honors the well-being of the scalp with iconic treatments and new expert, sensorial massage techniques.


Enhancing nature

In addition to this awareness of the importance of the scalp, René Furterer has developed the conviction that in nature you can find all the benefits necessary to restore the hair to its original strength and beauty.

For more than 60 years, the René Furterer brand has drawn an infinite source of health and beauty for the scalp and hair from the world of botanicals. The natural therapeutic properties of essential oils and plant extracts come together in specific expert treatments to restore balance to the scalp and reveal strong, healthy hair.

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