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How bad is it, doctor?

Since Covid I’ve lost a lot of hair. What can I do?


39 years old

“Since Covid, I’ve lost a lot of hair. What can I do? ", 

39 years old

The answer of our hair care expert



Véronique Majoros, Director of the René Furterer Institute

“Dear Elena,

Don't panic, you're not the only one. Covid all took us by surprise and its consequences, direct or indirect, have not finished surprising us. Because yes, it must be said that hair loss is not a symptom of Covid, but a consequence. The virus itself does not cause hair loss. However, what it does to our bodies (severe fatigue, fever, hormonal imbalances) is a factor in triggering the so-called reactive hair loss.

Consider this: we normally lose between 30 and 100 hairs a day. This is their natural lifecycle: old hair makes way for new hair. But the slightest (or largest) convenience is enough to disrupt this cycle and accelerate hair loss to the point where you notice it: this is what we call reactive hair loss.

Besides, you don't need to have contracted Covid to suffer from it: the intense stress we've all been confronted with and the brutal change in our lifestyles also play an obvious role in the disruption of our natural biological cycles. But we can be exposed to this type of hair loss in other circumstances such as pregnancy, any major stress spike in our professional or personal lives, or an illness and medical treatments. This type of hair loss usually occurs two to three months after the event. "

Our expert's advice

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So, what should you do? First, go see your doctor. This is the ideal moment to have a blood and hormonal check-up to detect any deficiencies and, most importantly, get a professional opinion on the causes and consequences of what is happening to you.
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Then, take care of yourself. When faced with reactive hair loss, the pattern is well known, and you can stop it by adopting some simple gestures and good habits to boost your hair's growth. First, treat the scalp with natural formulas containing essential oils and massage it to stimulate the microcirculation that is responsible for healthy hair growth.
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Change your usual hair care routine to incorporate anti-hair loss products like serums. Then think about boosting your diet with nutrient-rich and antioxidant foods, and potentially taking vitamin and mineral supplements like iron, zinc, B6, B9 and B12. Finally, get rid of anything that can harm your well-being: excessive stress, lack of exercise or rest... your hair grows better when you’re feeling good!

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